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Look for me in the Whirlwind
[Marcus Garvey]
40” x 52” Acrylic and collage on canvas
Collection of Ng'ethe Maina and Adrianne Shropshire
The stoic figure of Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. foregrounds a sea of blue. His figure is sculptural, reminiscent of carved power objects of West African origin. In his lifetime, Garvey envisioned a physical return of Black Americans- a crossing of the sea- to African lands of origin. Dressed in full regalia, royal purple hues draped with golden cords pronounce his leadership of the UNIA-ALC (Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League) and his visionary intentions towards unification and self-determination.
Look for me in the Whirlwind
[Marcus Garvey]
40” x 52” Acrylic and collage on canvas
Collection of Ng'ethe Maina and Adrianne Shropshire
The stoic figure of Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. foregrounds a sea of blue. His figure is sculptural, reminiscent of carved power objects of West African origin. In his lifetime, Garvey envisioned a physical return of Black Americans- a crossing of the sea- to African lands of origin. Dressed in full regalia, royal purple hues draped with golden cords pronounce his leadership of the UNIA-ALC (Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League) and his visionary intentions towards unification and self-determination.